
Another word for running adjective
Another word for running adjective

another word for running adjective

Xena is the subject of the sentence, but the verb is "watch" and Xena In general, passive verbĬonstruction is considered "wimpy" or nonspecific. Is active when the subject performs the verb. Sentence fragments are acceptable as answers to direct questions:

another word for running adjective

A large number of "and"s, "but"s, and similar joining words is oneĪcting like a sentence but is incomplete. Present one basic concept if it presents more than that, it may be a Long and should be broken into two or more sentences. Not require a subject the pronoun "you" is implied. Ex: "Shut up and kiss me." Note that an imperative sentence does IMPERATIVE An imperative sentence gives aĬommand. Do you understand that? Which of these sentences is an Sentence is declarative, as are the previous two.Īsks a question. A declarative sentence makes a statement. "mother" is the subject (noun) "sings" is the verb. Which the sentence's verb refers the predicate is the verb plus whatever Sentence should have a subject and a predicate. Prepositional phrase ("in" being the preposition) that expands upon the "I am sitting" is a complete sentence unto itself it contains a By some definitions, a phrase cannot contain a verb.īeginning with a preposition. Single word, but usually more) which contains a single thought but is not Putting Words Together PHRASE an expression (can be a Examples of prepositions are to, at, with, for, against, across. Word that indicates the relationship of a noun (or noun phrase) to another (However, not every word ending in "ly" is anĪdverb: "friendly," for example, is an adjective.) Which in turn is an adjective modifying 'she'.) Adverbs usually, but notĪlways, end in "-ly". ("She was very tall." 'Very' is an adverb modifying 'tall,' Ex:ĪDVERB a word that describes or modifies a Answers the questions "how many," "what kind," etc. Parts of Speech NOUN a person, place, or thing. Parts of Speech (aka the different kinds of words) Start here if you aren't sure about the basic elements of grammar: the different types of words and how they function, as well as the different ways in which you can put words together.

Another word for running adjective